Jamie is a fully qualified Yoga instructor and Personal Trainer, working to help people overcome their fitness challenges whether its feeling overwhelmed with using the gym for the first time or simply getting back into fitness after a mental or physical challenge. 

Jamie established Delf living in 2020 with a goal to create a home for fitness and health that focuses not just on physical but mental fitness and wellbeing.

In todays society too much time is spent on how we look and less on our mental fitness which is equally as important. 

At Delf living the goal is to combine Personal Training Yoga and Meditation to create a more holistic approach to fitness.

Jamie has always shown a strong interest in health and wellbeing growing up due to his mother being a long-term Yoga Instructor. He took part in one of her retreats and realised the benefits practising yoga can bring. Having suffered from anxiety for many years he felt calmer and now practices yoga regularly after discovering the powerful impact it has on his mind and body.

Since then Jamie has practiced many different styles of Yoga and in 2010 discovered Power Vinyasa Yoga as taught by Baron Baptiste. He trained to teach under one of Baron’s senior teachers, Dylan Iyaloo and then went on to train in Hot Yoga and Yoga for Children with Triyoga London.

In 2017 he decided he wanted to become a personal trainer so that he could combine every day fitness and yoga. 

Health wise, In November 2018 Jamie under-went a life changing moment and had a liver transplant because of a few health conditions.  The operation was a success and he has now recovered back to full health.

This experience has strengthened his desire and ambition to help others overcome challenges using fitness and Yoga. 

These tools can help to achieve your own personal goals and help gain true physical and mental health.

Ready to Get Started?

Click here to book a consultation call with Jamie and discuss each of the services and packages available.

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